Liquid Crystal

Liquid crystal responds to changes in temperature by displaying a spectral colour change. Our video on the SFXC website shows how the change takes place.  At room temperature the liquid crystal coating appears to be black (when applied to a black backing). However, as the temperature rises the coating will change from black to red, red to green and finally, green to blue. This spectral colour change takes places within a range of 5°C. Liquid crystal ink can be sprayed or brushed onto most surfaces. Liquid crystal ink has been used in hundreds of innovative applications including, jewellery, clothing, CD covers, packaging, business cards, thermometers, hot warning labels, thermochromic sheets, thermal mapping, interior design, automotive coverings. The list is endless! Our liquid crystal has a bandwidth of 24°C to 29°C. This means that the ink starts to change at 24°C and completes its change at 29°C. Always read the technical and safety data before using this product. If you are unable to view the MSDS and TDS online, please contact us. We can arrange for a copy of the data sheets to be sent to you in the post or via email. Our liquid crystal ink has been manufactured in the laboratory to an extremely high standard. Every liquid crystal product that leaves us has passed numerous quality and response tests before it is available for purchase. Please contact us if you have any further questions or require trade or bulk pricing: +44 (0) 207 118 3123
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